Monday, January 14, 2008

NYC Bridge Runners

The NYC Bridge Runners, a source of spirit and inspiration to the runner who's heart and soul just might be more fierce than their mile splits. A running group with a mission. Combining a love for all things connecting mind, body and spirit and motivating all who "come run with us" to reach further and expand their horizons. This group is a pleasure to share 4-8 miles with whether on weekly runs or "elevated" events around the city.

You'd be surprised what you'd learn say on a run to the "boogie down Bronx" or over the east river on a bridge that took 14 years to build.

The image above is from one of their "elevated" runs celebrating the 124th birthday of the Brooklyn Bridge this past spring. It was one of my favorites for so many reasons and this particular image is just one of them.

Give it up for the Bridge Runners, keepin’ this city real!!