Monday, June 30, 2008

Do you Run Your City?

Ryan, the creator of Run Your City has just rolled out two new and exciting projects. First, he's added a book club which is underway on Anyone who has read or is interested in reading “Ultramarathon Man” by Dean Karnazes can now jump on RYC and discuss it with other runners.

I'll be honest, I'm probably not going to read this book. And I'm not your typical book club dork. No offense, Ryan, you're awesome and I still think this is a great idea. But at the moment, I just have too many other things going on (not to break out the excuses). But why should that stop any of you runner/book nerds out there from reading away? :)

Besides, why read it when I can just check back and see what everyone else has to say about it. I'm just saying.... :) I'll jump on the next book. Promise! :)

The other exciting addition from the creator of RYC is WikiRun, an encyclopedia for runners. You can reach wikirun through RYC or just at . Wikirun is a collaborative project aimed to bring together running resources into one central location on-line - a living encyclopedia of running. In order to maintain a high level of credibility, all the members are running professionals (pro or college runners, coaches, race coordinators, sports writers, etc.).

Wikirun has just over a hundred articles at the moment, but is in need of more editors.
If you are a running professional and wish to help, email and he'll hook you up with a username and password.
whoops! I lied, there's one more thing. So, say you're not really interested in reading about ultramarathoner dudes, well, maybe you might just want to talk about the other things that are posted on the RYC discussion boards. Well.... talk talk talk away! :) Let's get some interesting conversations rollin' or some new topics. Really sharing is caring... so, let's see what you have to offer our running community!