Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bike Geeks and Swim Freaks!

I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of crap about this, but as I continue to explore the "outside" cultures of cyclists and swimmers, I am thoroughly amused by these geek and freak tendencies!

Now, I've met quite a few runner-dorks in my day, but Biker (sorry) Cyclist take things to a whole new level. I think it's because they just have more to obsess over; meaning all the gear. They just have so much more to collect and fuss with and before you know it, their ENTIRE lives are consumed by frames, wheels, pedals, chains, saddles, cranks, you name it..... I'm sure I'll find this "cool" someday, well at least that's my hope but for now I just wondering what becoming a geek will do for my social life. At least, they all seem comfortable in their geeky skin... look they even sell shirts to proclaim their geeky-ness! ;)

But by far worse than any cyclist or runner's obsession with gear and their sport, are swimmers! Sorry folks, but I'm just convinced that too much chlorine exposure to your brain has made you all a bit too cooky. These people have NO idea what's normal or not... and worse, they just don't seem to care. I'm not just talking about the highly competitive triathlete who is working on their swimming. oh no, no, NO.... I'm talking about the crazies who swim for the sole purpose of an excuse to stretch their 20 year old speedos over their their (less than beautiful) bulbous bodies and hit the pool to practice their doggy paddle or aqua-yoga techniques. The people whose true highlight of their pool workout is when they get to walk around in the locker room stark naked forcing most of the other pool goers to maintain constant focus on the floor at all times out of pure fear of going blind or triggering their gage reflex. ugh... this behaviour (unlike the bike geeks obsessions) I just can not justify. Unlike Bike geeks, Pool freaks do not sell t-shirts that promote their cultural pride... oh no, "covering up" is just not their style.

Nope, I lied, here's their shirt....

I think I might start handing these out to all the freaky/naked people at the pool.


Simon said...

I'll admit to weighing a water bottle cage or two on a gram scale, so i can't dispute the geek claim. I do however object to the term "bikers". Those of us who are clad in lycra are cyclists. Bikers are the dudes in leather.

XOXO said...

Okay Miss Runner Chick...you hit a chord here with this one. (All this is in jest mind you!)

In defense of the swimmers, those people wearing old, stretched out, faded speedos are not "swimmers." It is like the woman wearing jean shorts or the guy in converse all-stars "running."

I will admit, swimmers are crazy. Crazy because they get kicks from a set of descending 800's, 400's, 200's, 100's and think one hour in the pool is warmup. Crazy because they spend hours thinking about kicks off the walls. Crazy because they smell like chlorine constantly.

It is an interesting sport because everyone must gather at a common spot to "do it." Unlike biking or running, during open swim at a pool, you have all ages, ranges, speeds, and styles in one place. A bit of a focus group of sorts.

But those described are not real swimmers. They are just exhibitionists.

PS: I had a college professor who used to swim after our practice. English professor. Wore a speedo that was probably 25 years old....if we are lucky.

DFerg said...

CJC, I hate when people refer to me as a jogger (those who wear umbros and tennis shoes), so I completely understand your terminology preference. Lesson learned!

DFerg said...

xoxo, how do we tell the exhibitionist of the world to practice more public skin coverage?

I love that you got so heated! That's passion baby!! I love it!!
Carry that with you this weekend and you'll surely rock the cfa out! :)

PS: I agree with all of your points especially this one,

"It is an interesting sport because everyone must gather at a common spot to 'do it.'"

Personally, I like to 'do it' in more intimate settings, but who knows, maybe with time, I'll become an exhibitionist too. One can only dream!....

XOXO said...

Hehe. I need to get fired up about dividends and share repurchases. This is an enjoyable study break.

Funny thing is, Coach Cane brought it up as well, a lot of this debate arises from the use of "a runner", "a cyclist", or "a swimmer" labels.

I consider myself "a swimmer." I do not think I will ever consider myself "a runner." Why? I am someone who enjoys running and loves to run but I am not "a runner." As "a swimmer", I consider myself part of a talented group of competitive athletes that can chat about sets, training trips, strokes, times, and seeing someone break 20 seconds in the 50 yard free (it is awesome). You do not necessarily need to have competed at a higher level but you know the sport, respect the sport, and respect others who also know/respect/practice the sport.

That is so elitist...I know. But I think it is more that I,personally, want to be known as "a ______" in whatever sport I am best at. In addition, I only want to be considered "a [insert label here]" if I am good at it.

Other labels: "a &itch", "an analyst", "a control freak"....I know I am good at these as well.

Labels that do not apply: "an artist" (I wish though!), "a singer" (I tried...no luck), "a relaxed person."

Study break over. Back to dividends.

DFerg said...

I think we'll stick to pool running together. You'd rock my world on a swim workout.