Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pure Central Park Therapy

My run last night with RUNNYC was a bit painful, but I'm glad I did it. It was fantastic seeing a few of my homies and also the post run trip to POP BURGER was worth any amount of hamsting pain. I'd run miles and miles for some "Luscious mouth watering warm buns"! My fav is always the "Gobble gobble!" Turkey burgs. Wow! it's 9am and I already want another. ha!

Anyways, a good friend of mine recently sent me this article on Central Park. For any of you who share my love for this gorgeous oasis, this NYC runner paradise, give this interative map a gander. Maybe you'll learn a few new trails.

Also, you can click the map below for a larger view of the park. The one below is not interactive, but does have so you can listen to stories and view pictures from around the park. Have fun!

Oh and Happy Gorgeous Hump Day!